Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Haiku WLI 2017/7/26

leaves turn in autumn
but there's no change in your love
bye until next fall
-by Chu Yan

last summer in school
time we have traveled together
hot like the sunshine
-by Chu Yan

flowers bloom in spring
I smell the spring in the air
I'm the best flower
-by Chu Yan

Summer is so hot
she wears a beautiful skirt
Like Marilyn Monroe
-by Chu Yan   (Summer is a person!)

Teacher is a candle
Giving light to students
In my heart forever
-Chu Yan

I get up early
I eat vegetables and egg
After breakfast walk
-Fang Yuan

Phones are popular
people are crazy about them
I stay away from it

"Travel on a journey"
Today is enough
When everything gets tired
Today is the day
-Summer Kim